Battling for Funds: 2nd Annual Battle for the Ages

Last year was the year of bold firsts here at Battle, and this year is the year of continuing traditions by figuring out what works and what doesn’t. The Battle for the Ages was a smash, which marks two years of something becoming one of the strongest roots Battle has in the realm of fundraising and parent-teacher collaboration. The four part bazaar included a 5K run, silent auction, golf tournament, and a bistro dinner. A slew of clubs and organizations in need of fundraising and financial assistance have pull tabs set up and opportunities for patrons to donate. There was mostly teacher and parent participation in the run and tournament while students volunteered in the food and display side of the event.
Bringing the parents and staff closer together in a mutual cause brings the school spirit and moral up for everyone involved. Last year the bistro raised over 11 thousand dollars that “went to the purchase and installation (when the weather cooperates) of the flagpole that will be located on the stadium grounds on the visitor’s side closest to school. It also assisted in shuttle costs and student ticket prices for the Football State Championship game at the St. Louis dome.” T-shirts were provided, costumes were encouraged for the run, trophies given, and cash prizes were won. Also the event provided the chance to view student art and eat food from many local venues such as Sparky’s Homemade Ice Cream.
Student and faculty artists were showcased with the assistance of art teachers, Ms. Jody Spriggs and Sheri Parker. The Jazz Band, directed by Mr. Thalhuber, played during the bistro and art showcase, along with the Battle Battalion, directed by Mr. Jazz Rucker, while representing the necessity for fundraising for the arts at the same time. Many teachers who participated last year upheld the tradition this year, like Ms. Harms, who participated in the 5K last year, and successfully made it for year two. Cheerleaders were there for moral support last year, but unfortunately, were unable to attend this year, the moral must be provided by school spirit and participation by runners and those standing by. All events are not required, and many only find themselves doing one or two.
The 5K and golf tournament both took place at 8:00AM, while the bistro and silent and live auction morphed into one venue and event around 6:00 PM. Clubs who donated a gift basket worth $50 or more were allowed to set up a pull tabs table with donations for participants to give to. The gift baskets were sold at the silent auction, along with student art. Weaver stated that “We were hoping to double the amount this year from last with having four grade classes at Battle. Unfortunately, we are still struggling with activity/club involvement and selling tickets to their families and friends.” For each ticket sold by an activity/club, $5 per ticket will be deposited into their ECA (Extra Curricular Account.) “Ticket prices for the bistro are the lowest in town and have included reduced rates for students and faculty. Battle for the Ages (to my knowledge, the only true All-School Fundraiser in Columbia High Schools) will only be successful if parents, students and faculty join forces,” stated Weaver. In the end, Weaver said that “it’s for our kids. Having additional money will allow the Spartan Alliance to give more back to activities/clubs through grants and special requests…this comes from Battle for the Ages.”