Double Trouble
Why students choose to take more than one science class
Jonas Ferguson pours melted ice cream into nitrogen to create Dip ‘n Dots during science club.
Doubling up on science classes can lead to new opportunities in high school, college, and future careers.
Sophomore, Addison Gish, a student who takes honors chemistry and biology, explained that she is glad she doubled up on science classes for different reasons. “I really enjoy chemistry and what we learn about, such as what makes up our universe and how it interacts,” she explained.
There a many reasons why are student may double up on science classes. For instance, Haley Acton, is doubling up on science to help her prepare more for her future career. “I want to be a geneticist which involves a lot of science, because I like seeing how past generations can affect the genes of offspring and how it ties into the way people behave,” she explained.
Another student may choose to double up on science classes to allow for a free period in their schedule for the following school year. “I doubled up on science classes so that I could get more science classes in and get to my classes that I’m really interested in as quick as I could,” Acton stated.
Marsha Tyson, Science Department Chair, explains that sophomores doubling up on science classes is seen as a special case, but by the time the students are juniors and seniors it is something that the teachers really encourage if that is what they are passionate about.
“We offer so many science classes at Battle and if you only take one science class per year it won’t allow you to really find your passion. It allows you to get a more rounded view of the field that you’re interested in,” she said. Taking more science classes than the average student can help students get to their high interest classes quicker.
“If a student is playing a sport, they have to look at the rigor of the rest of their schedule and make a decision about what’s best for them. I think people that are involved in lots of activities have to balance their schedule anyway, so this would be just another great opportunity,” Tyson said.
While doubling up on science classes is recommended to upperclassmen, Tyson explained that freshman are not allowed to double up on any core class, because the teachers don’t know what background the students are coming from and they don’t know how the new students handle stress.
“We want to get them off to a good start and have them take care of their prerequisites before they double up on anything,” she added.
Neither Acton or Tyson would recommend doubling up to people who aren’t sure that they want to because those students won’t enjoy their schedule and they won’t be motivated to stay caught up if they aren’t interested in the content.
While doubling up on science classes can take up more time, Tyson believes it can also build confidence in other classes.
“It can build confidence, it compliments other classes as well,” Tyson added. A student can learn something in one science class, and it can tie directly to their other science class.
Doubling up on science classes can lead to great opportunities for those that are sure they want to pursue a career in science. It can help with careers, confidence in current classes, and even time management skills for the future.