No-School November

Days off in the month really started to stack up

There are so many days missed during the month of November. Two teacher work days, Thanksgiving break and an Election day. With six days missed, one may ask, what do the students do on their days off?

Aaliyah Potes, sophomore , enjoys No-school November because, “It’s nice to have a break from school every once in a while, and having a lot of days off is nice, in order to catch up because finals are soon.” Potes said, “On my days off I usually sleep in late, catch up on homework, and spend time with my family and friends.”

Cade Lampkin, another sophomore,  has no curiosity for why so many days are missed. He says, “I try not to question why we don’t have days. I love having short weeks!”

Brandon Wagner, biology and AVID teacher, said, “As of right now, I’m okay with the breaks, we all need a break. These quick breaks make everything a lot easier.”

With these days taken out of the week it could mess up the usual schedule of some classes, Wagner teaches Avid, which is always on a tight schedule. He said, “We are normally on an A-B schedule so it doesn’t disrupt Biology, but AVID is a class where certain things fall on certain days, so if there’s lots of inconsistency, that can take away things we need to do in class.”

All these days off could disrupt a class rooms work, the week of 11/5-11/9 only had one A day, which is a lot of days missed in between classes. The routine will be back on track, come next month. With the six days off in this month, we at least get a break before finals hit in December. Spending our days catching up on thing from the missed days, or hanging out with family this Thanksgiving.