Select Students Receive Outstanding Student Award

Students from Battle High School have been awarded “Outstanding Student”, the highest award students can receive at the Career Center.

The award dates back 30 years ago when the Career Center dedicated time to celebrate students achievements at the end of the year, and today Outstanding Students are given more opportunities through this award.

According to Meredith Haley, Career Center teacher, students are required to attend a social media presentation, work through a coaching interview with a University of Missouri employer, and celebrate their accomplishments at the awards ceremony.

Student, Audrey Cornell, was among the students who received the award. Cornell, like other students, was chosen based on attendance, grades, and behavior in the workplace.

“It really means a lot to me knowing that I will be prepared for the real world when I start to think about my career path because I already know the importance of keeping your social media professional so employers have a positive mindset about who you are and what you believe,” Cornell said.

Parents, friends, and family can celebrate these students at the Outstanding Student awards ceremony on May 1, at 6:30 p.m. at The Missouri Theater.