ACT To Implement New Changes
In the United States, there are many requirements, skills, and scores that the average student needs to have to meet a college’s admissions requirements. One important test score that colleges require before admitting an applicant is the student’s American College Testing (ACT) score. The ACT has been around since 1959 when Everett Franklin Lindquist, professor, developed the ACT as a competitor for the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).
The current ACT has four mandatory multiple choice sections which has always been given in a specific order: English, Math, Reading, and Science. There’s also an optional writing section that individuals who have previously taken the ACT suggest test takers should consider taking. The ACT normally takes two hours and fifty-five minutes without the writing section.
The ACT is approximately $46.00 without the writing section, $62.00 with the writing section and an additional $29.50 for students who register late. Many students only need to improve or focus on one or two sections. Retaking the test can get expensive and after taking the test twice, students aren’t qualified for a fee waiver.
ACT introduced a new format in October that differs from the current format. The current format requires students to retake the entire test if the student isn’t happy with their composite score; however, the new format will allow students who’ve already taken the ACT to retake individual sections of the ACT without retaking the whole test. Rickeah Henderson, senior, believes that the format will “help rather than hurt students taking it again.”
Brian McAndrew, counselor, also noted that the price may appeal more to students because of the new format. “Taking individual sections will be way more affordable for students,” McAndrew said.
Imani Mitchell, senior, stated that she thinks the new change will also allow students to be more competitive in the college admissions process. “I think it will raise scores significantly,” Mitchell said.
Mitchell also noted that she’s excited that the format will allow students in low income housing to be able to afford the tests, but will also make the students with financial needs to have the same academic scholarship opportunities as the next student.
The new format will include superscoring, the processed used by colleges to consider your highest section scores. Superscoring allows schools to take your highest section scores to form the highest possible composite score.
Another change to the format is that online testing will be available. Online testing will also offer faster results which can be beneficial to seniors who are applying to colleges.
With the new online offers, section retakes, and superscoring, the new ACT format will most definitely cause excitement around the nation. The new format will go into effect in September of next year.