Let it Snow
CPS introduces new snow day rule

Photo from Creative Commons
In 2018, Missouri saw an unusual amount of snow, causing Columbia Public Schools (CPS) to take more snow days then they have had in the last four years combined. Because of this, CPS has implemented a new snow day policy to help make sure students will still be in school and won’t lose learning hours due to snow days. According to the new policy, April 23, 2020 will be used as a full day if there is more than five snow days. Currently, the day is set to be an early release day.
Assistant Principal Adam Taylor said the district looked at many different factors before deciding to implement the new policy. “The Department of Education looks at how many days and minutes students are in class. April 23 makes it so if we have a bad winter, we will still have the required minutes of school time,” Taylor said.
Taylor also mentioned that he is neutral towards the new rule. Taylor said, “I can’t say if I am for or against it until I see how it plays out. If it helps students stay in class then I will be happy with it.”
Some teachers are also in favor of the rule. Alexander Howell, an engineering teacher at Battle and the Columbia Area Career Center (CACC), is among the teachers that support the new policy.
“I think it’s a great idea. If this can get us out of going to school in June, I’m all for it,” Howell said on the new policy.
He added that he has kids of his own and if school gets pushed back to June, it’s harder for him to get someone to watch them.
Howell said he also hopes CPS will keep finding new ways to expand this policy.
Howell said, “Currently we are in school longer than other districts so I think finding more ways to trim down the year would make it better.”
Many students are also in favor of this policy. Gavin Lusby, junior, likes the rule. “If it takes off a half day to makeup for a whole day at the end of the year, then I think it’s a good thing,” Lusby said.
Lusby also added that he is against going to school in June, and thinks the district can do more to make sure summer starts earlier. “If we use this new rule effectively then it would help keep us out of June,” Lusby said.
Families in CPS are excited about the new policy and hopes CPS will use it in the future.