COVID-19 cancels field trips and spring break plans

The novel Coronavirus is affecting multiple aspects of school.

With the recent outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) many people’s field trips and spring break plans are being canceled due to how widespread the disease is and how easy it is to transmit. 

The biannual St. Louis Zoo field trip hosted by Rachel Tinsley was canceled due to the outbreak. Chuck Miller, senior, was set to attend the field trip on Monday, March 16. “I’m mad that the zoo trip got cancelled,” Miller said regarding the trip. Miller decided to stay home in light of the situation. 

Tinsley, who showed up to school after the ordeal, was looking at the possibility of the trip being cancelled. “When we found out what was going on with COVID, I kept checking with the website and the zoo said ‘we’re definitely open’, encouraging us to come,” Tinsley said. 

The trip had been planned since December, because most school sponsored field trips are not allowed to take place past April, and this was the only day Tinsley could choose.

When the day finally came for the AP Biology and Zoology classes, taught by Tinsley and teacher Lindsey Mirielli, the zoo hadn’t been closed. “ We called at 8:30 that morning, and the zoo was open, they assured me.” Tinsley said. 

But, the plans for the trip were about to take a turn south. “As we got on the bus, about 9:30, the bus got a dispatch call and, well, the zoo was closed,” Tinsley said.

For a moment, Tinsley had hoped that the zoo could possibly be open and wanted to make sure it was actually closed. “I went on the website, and it still said it was open.” 

She said that’s when Mirielli and Tinsley both called the St. Louis Zoo; however, they got two different answers from them, “I got that the zoo was closed, she got ‘no, it’s open’” Tinsley said. 

Shortly after, the website had been updated, confirming that the zoo was closed. 

The AP Biology and Zoology teacher said she was devastated about the news. She also  stressed the importance of students being able to go to the zoo and see animals, instead of over a computer screen. “The big deal with it was, everybody should have a chance to get to go to the zoo at some point, no matter what,” Tinsley said. 

Amid COVID-19 concerns Tinsley said she still plans on being able to see the animals and wants to take advantage of the online feature being offered. Tinsley commented that instead of going directly to the zoo, “We would go online, and the pictures that they would take at the zoo, we could get the ones online instead, which is not at all the better variety of it.”

Other students pointed out that it wasn’t just field trips that got cancelled, it was also spring break plans. Kathryn Hosey, senior, was planning on taking a vacation to Florida this break. “I was going to go to Florida to visit my mom’s friend, and probably go to the beach and go to Orlando to visit Universal Studios,” Hosey said. 

The trip was going to be packed, but, one thing made it clear they wouldn’t be going. “My friends mom got sick (not with COVID-19), and the Coronavirus is in Orange County, Fla. (where Orlando is located) right now,” Hosey said. 

Students pointed out that even though plans may be cancelled and field trips are off, there are ways to have fun while at home. They suggested activities like video calling friends, participating in interactive virtual field trips online, and watching videos to help  cure your boredom this spring break.