Brooke Anich and Her Involvment in B.E.P.A

Senior Brooke Anich has made big impacts in her own community as well as the world around her with her involvement in Environmental Protection Agency Club, which helps promote and spread information about environmental issues with ways to help solve them. Anich became vice-president of the club in the beginning of 2020 and has stayed in contact with the other leaders over the summer
Anich’s involvement in B.E.P.A has grown so much in the past year, it has impacted her life greatly.
Anich said, ”B.E.P.A has impacted my life because although I’m teaching other students about the environment and different global climate changes, I’m also learning so much from that and it’s helped me become a more sustainable person.”
With new changes being made in the club due to Covid-19, Anich has stayed strong with contributing to her leadership team and problem solving through this unexpected time
“It’s made me better at communication,” said Anich.
With the zoom meetings every month, she has been able to connect with her fellow teammates in order to plan ways to grow their club and spread the word about the environment.
“We have some big plans coming up!” said Anich.