Winter Olympics Formal

Battle Spartans celebrate court warming through a Winter Olympics themed dance.

Justin Burchett and Macaela Thoelke pose for a photo at courtwarming.

     The winter formal was held on April 23, from 8-10pm, with the theme Winter Olympics. Despite the snow day that made the original set date for the formal, Feb. 12, that made the theme confuse many, the dance was a huge success.

     The dance was held in the competition gym, which was decorated with fake vines, flags of the world, and gold and white balloons, thanks to the hours of dedicated work from the Student Council. Just like homecoming, the dance had a photo-booth and many free snacks and drinks to choose from.

     BHS dances have been held in the gym in the past, but this was the first one for many students, as the past few years they have been held in the commons or outside due to COVID-19 restrictions. The gym setting allowed students to sit down on the bleachers and the music to surround everyone in the room.

     “The dance was loud,” Jack Hosey, junior, stated. 

     The past few dances have been described as not as good due to the DJ, but this year many people enjoyed the music due to the mix of genres such as rap, country, slow songs, and songs like Cupid Shuffle.

     “It was a lot of fun! The DJ played a lot of good music, and it was nice to be able to just dance for a couple of hours,” Amanda Hughes, sophomore, said. 

     Some people still said the music wasn’t great because it was loud and mostly consisted of rap. 

     “The music was not very good,” Melissa Lindsey, junior, known for her great taste in 60s and 70s classics, commented. 

     Any school dance is enjoyable for the plain fact of being able to dress up and go out with friends. This year, many students dressed up in gorgeous dresses and suits.

      “Everyone had gorgeous [out]fits!” Melissa Lindsey added. 

     Overall, the dance was a fun experience for many students, and worth the $3 ticket price for a fun night with friends.

     “It was definitely chaotic, but it was fun!” Juliette Blauvelt, freshman, said.