A salary cap gives all MLB teams a certain amount of money they can spend in a given year. Unlike the NBA and NFL, the MLB has no salary cap. This gives the more wealthy owners of the teams the advantage to spend more money than the less wealthy owners.
The MLB should have a salary cap. A salary cap will help even the playing field between the lowest-spending teams and the highest-spending teams. A salary cap would promote building a team from the ground up rather than spending the most on the best players. With a salary cap, the best players in free agency would go to the teams that fit them rather than the team that offered them the most amount of money.
I also think there should be a salary floor, a certain amount of money that teams have to spend in a year. Some teams aren’t trying to be competitive and won’t spend nearly as much as the other teams in the MLB. The St. Louis Cardinals have not spent any money on free agents this offseason while the New York Mets have spent 1 Billion dollars on free agents this offseason according to ESPN.
I think that a salary cap and a salary floor would make the MLB more competitive. And put a better product on the field for the fans.
This causes a massive gap between the team spending the most money and the team spending the least. The New York Mets are spending the most money in 2025 they will be paying 321 million dollars to the players on their roster, and the Miami Marlins are spending 47 million dollars on their roster this season, which is the lowest in the MLB. In the 2023-2024 offseason, the Los Angeles Dodgers spent over 1 Billion dollars which was more than the rest of the 29 other MLB teams spent in that offseason combined. The New York Mets have spent 1 billion dollars this offseason, and have the richest owner in the MLB Steve Cohen according to Bleacher Report.
Many baseball fans want a salary cap and so do the owners, but the MLB Players Association is against the salary cap which is the reason a salary cap has not been established in the MLB. In December 2026, there will be a new collective bargaining agreement between the MLB Players Association and the MLB owners. It is speculated that the owners will try for a salary cap, but many think that the players association will be against the salary cap.