The Future Business Leaders of America, or FBLA, had their district-level competition on January 31, 2025. Districts were held in Moberly at MACC. Eleven Battle students competed this year. FBLA is the largest business career and technical student organization in the world. It hosts conferences and competitions to help prepare students from middle school to college for careers in business. Students compete in events centered around different aspects of business, hoping to advance from districts to states and then to nationals.
This year’s FBLA president is junior Nathaniel Alley, “I just had to fill that gap with the seniors graduated […] I thought it would be a good idea to go for presidency since I’m one of the few people who has experience with FBLA.” Alley continues, “It is new for me for being the FBLA president, so I’m trying to sort out all different aspects of running the club”. Alley is one of the longest running members of the club “The teacher who runs FBLA recruited me because I was in his class for digital media. I thought it was a good club to join because I’m planning on going to Mizzou and getting my business degree there and I want to pursue a future career in business.” Alley competed at districts this year in Broadcast Journalism “You create a skit and perform it live instead of pressing play on a video.” However, he will be competing in Data Analysis at states where he will prepare a presentation to give judges showcasing his analysis.
While FBLA has seen a dip in membership they have gotten some new members, one such person is Freshmen Mason Kuhl. “My account teacher introduced it to me and then I saw a meet on the news letter and I decided to go to it. […] I like the business part, I like the competitiveness, I like the enriching yourself in the actual idea of business.”
Kuhl competed at districts in International Business placing fifth in the event. He qualified for and plans on going to states.
Due to the weather this year there were many complications surrounding districts “Snow days and AMI days limited who could go, it made the deadline harder to meet with the tests and some prejudged materials for events, some members weren’t able to send it in because that deadline was an AMI day, they had less time in school to work on it” said Alley. With limited members already this was a set back, however they still had people place and qualify for states.
FBLA meets on Mondays and Thursdays where they go over reminders on dress code, deadlines, how to prepare, and how to grow. Members and advisors share a common goal “More battle members […] I want to try and grow the club for next year” said Alley. Some of the ways they have considered gaining number is by improving what FBLA offers members “Working on inviting public speakers and give their point of views on presenting to help get us prepared for districts” said Alley. Another way is through a freshmen orientation course to present to freshmen about what FBLA is and why they should be a part of it.
If students are interested in FBLA they should reach out to Mr. Sawyer Wade [email protected]