BioMedical Science

The study of medicine in all aspects of life.

Have you ever heard of biomedical science? Well, you’re about to now — I’ve interviewed a few students in the class, and if you’re into these types of things you may consider taking the class yourself. When I interviewed these students, they had mostly good things to say about the class and its work. 

I interviewed freshman Xavianna Jackson first and this is what she said: “We do heart dissection which I don’t like because it’s gross and squishy, but we also do blood testing which I do like because it’s fun and I like doing the blood drops.” She said she wouldn’t change anything, she likes how it is, but it could use more explanation. So far, they have learned a lot about crime scene clean-ups and DNA research. She also added that they always have something to do in that class, whether it’s a project or labs, but it’s never rushed. it’s always spaced out to where they have enough time to do it.

The second student I interviewed was junior Emily Andrews, and here’s what she had to say.

“One of the projects we did was the Marcell case, where we had to find out how he died. I like the class, it’s interesting but hard.” She likes the class and thinks it should stay the same- -she said they have learned how to diagnose and examine things.

Do you think you could stomach all the blood and smells, or would sickness overcome you? Are you interested in this class? Do you like mystery and crime scenes? If so, should you consider taking the class yourself? Don’t just take their word for it, that it’s a fun and exciting class, go find out for yourself.

The last person I interviewed was the teacher Kristine Hayes and I think everyone can learn something from her, like did you know there are many other options to work as when it comes to healthcare besides doctors and nurses, from EMT’s to lab techs and forensic scientists to pathologists? Hayes believes “if students can get a direction early enough before they start paying for college, then they can get to their goal sooner.” Hayes worked in the clinical laboratory when she was in the Navy and for about 8 years before she started teaching. Her reason for teaching is “This class allows me to add in the real world experience I have to the curriculum.”

Remember this information when you’re deciding what you want your career to be. Maybe you’ll find lab techs or pathology interesting and choose to pursue that line of work.