Danny Gammon Profile
It’s cool to love school. At least Mr. Gammon thinks so. Gammon was home schooled up until the 4th grade by his mother who was an English Education major. Many of his mannerisms and things he likes can be attributed to his elementary school experience. Ever since he knew he wanted to be a teacher, which was early on, he knew English was the path for him. Unlike many English teachers, Gammon prides himself on also being interested in math and learning in general.
He thoroughly enjoys the social aspects of teaching was is very well represented in his teaching styles. “I don’t think I could work tucked away in a cubicle”, Gammon remarks. Many of his classes are discussion based and often he is sitting at a desk right next to his students. Gammon teaches speciality English classes such as AP English Literature and Creative Writing as well as teaching the basics of writing in his English 10 classes. He has voiced numerous times that he enjoys the social aspects of teaching and interacting with his students.
Gammon also has a passion and long history with sports. When teaching at Oakland Junior High School before Battle was built, Gammon was a volleyball and track coach. Currently he is working to interest and coach his children in their respective sports. Gammon loves the idea of being able to engage students by using sports, if he could create a speciality class to teach it would be over sports literature and communication. “I want to be able to interest those students who aren’t normally interested in the books taught in their English classes.” Gammon’s passion for being involved with his students shines through every day.